Sunday, November 30, 2008

Doorbusters are Doorbombers

These "Doorbusters" are not what they seem. I know cause I got burned. Or burnt.

Headed to Kohl's on Saturday with my sister and Katherine. We didn't get there til 2so we figured the crowds wouldn't be bad. But their doorbusters ended at 3 on Black Friday so we were really in the last minute doorbuster madness. We grabbed a handful of toys since they were all 50% off. Great considering "Toys R a Rip Off Here" had the same shit for full price.

We stood in the 28 person line to pay and gave Katherine a continuous drip of Cheerios. The guy behind us in line was randomly grabbing items off the shelf and stacking them in his cart. Odd stufff like a toaster oven and cordless phone. When I asked him about the toaster oven (cause I secretly want one) he told me that he didn't know the price but it had to be good so he was getting it. Surely, some dirt in his family could use one. He also picked up some Christmas socks for himself and a navigation system which was 89% off.

We paid and took off. Walking to the car I realized a couple of the items I was overcharged on. My sis took the car and drove the weasel around in the mall parking lot so she would fall asleep while I ran back in to Customer Service.

There were 2 general managers behind the counter just walking around aimlessly. They both had pens behind their ears and wore Santa ties. When we realized that I was overcharged on EVERYTHING, the managers started making these hand signals to eachother. The kind you see in baseball games when the belly itcher pitcher and catcher are trying to determine what type of ball to throw. It was REAL annoying, Were they signaling about me? Finally, I said something. Something to the effect of being overcharged on everything. And the fact that the 16 people behind me were all in line probably doing the same thing I was. Here's the remark I got:

"Dude this happens every year on Black Friday. Somebody at Corporate hacks into the computer system and changes the end time for the door busters. They changed all the codes and there's nothin we can do about it."

Janko: "Okay, so you have a hacker on your hands. Why don't you call CORPORATE and explain what's going on?

Santa Tie Manager: "They won't answer. They're too busy to pick up the phone. They'll just let it ring and ring. We'll just deal with it. We always do. We come to expect it."

Janko: "Right, but customers walk away with a bad taste in their mouth. I mean I am frustrated. And this is a waste of your Cashier's time."

Other Santa Tie Manager: "Lady, how much did you save? $3?"

Janko: "Oh no. That's not the point! I saved $16. That's a few tanks of gas now. It's a few happy meals."

Manager: (Back to making those jacked up hand signals with one another) "Have a nice holiday, Lady. Come back tonight and the pricing will be sorted out. Most items will be off sale, but there won't be as much chaos."

Janko: "Right. Sounds like a REAL good plan."

Ran out to the parking lot with all the crap and my sister is nowhere to be found. About 10 minutes later she surfaces. She got caught in the middle of a sting at Macy's in the parking lot. A man in a fur coat was apprehended as he walked the parking lot. Apparently he stole a set of legwarmers. She got pinched and had to wait behind the Escalade Sherriff's car while the dog sniffed him and cufffed him.

Black Friday is a BUST.