Thursday, October 16, 2008

Glad I can make SOMEONE'S day

I really enjoy reading your comments. They keep me going. Cheap inspiration.

Posting to this blog is inexpensive therapy for me. When I write about my jacked up experiences it actually makes me laugh too which is good, cause when I'm in the thick of it, I usually want to cry.

Sometimes I get so caught up in the loop or picking out which sweatsuit I'm gonna wear for the day, I lose sight of what's important.

And what's important is different for each member of our family.

For Todd, it's important that people drink wine. Hell, it matters to me, too, since it's what allows me to splurge at Target. It's also important that all of the kids toys are picked up and put away everyday. It helps him relax much more when he's watching SportsCenter, when all that crap isn't laying around.

Andrew's top priority is being the first one at the bus stop. There are only 6 kids at the stop and 4 of em could give a rat's ass what order they're in in the line. But to Andrew, it means everything. The bus arrives at 8:33 and he starts talking about his order in the line by 7:45 EVERY morning.

For Katherine, she wants someone to make goofy faces at her, act like they're overwhelmed and at their wit's end. That's where I come in. She finds great humor in my facial expressions.

For me, it's important to keep the crew happy and rolling along like an 18 wheeler 6 hours ahead of schedule.

I know. I'm a hell of a woman.


Bones said...

i am helping toad out almost on a daily basis

the?'s said...

Uh-oh, you need to shut down now, Cliff misled you:

"Thinking about launching your own blog? Here's some friendly advice: Don't. And if you've already got one, pull the plug."

Anonymous said...

the last time you were able to spend the 15 minutes in Target and get your three outfits, diapers and batteries,that was cuz my house helps toad every day!!! always a fan!