Monday, September 29, 2008

Shiznit in the Dojo

Here we are. Week #2 of Karate. It's gonna be better this week. The kids will pay better attention. My son will not ask absurd questions. Maybe that's an unrealistic statement. I'm just hoping he doesn't ask more than two. Just keep it at a max of two, Andrew.

I decided to "do the right thing" and ask our next door neighbor to join. They just had a baby 3 days ago and lawrd knows it's probably a hot mess over there. New babies really disrupt the household. With a 6 year old in the home practicing karate, everyone should be safer and better off, right?

I told our neighbors I'd drive their son both ways for every session. Just say it, I know what you're all thinking. "That Janko, she's something else. ALWAYS thinking about others before herself. I wish I lived next door to her."

The session was going pretty well, until someone (you can imagine who it was) asked the Sensay a question, the first one of the evening: "Have you ever been in a situation where you were nearly killed? What kind of kicks and strikes did you do to bury your enemy?"

That question opened up the floodgates. Then every kid's hand shot up and the absurdity began:

1.) What did you do to get all of those patches on your robe? Did you kill people and that's how you earned them?
2.) I want to get a robe and pants like you have. But I want a different color belt. Do they make pink ones?
3.) I know you said we need to practice but no one will let me practice with them. My Mom is always too tired for karate and my dad's usually outside cutting the grass."

You have to understand the Sensay. He has a professional job by day. He's just a Sensay on the side. In fact, I think he's an attorney because whenever the kids want to make a comment he always says, "I will listen to your side and then you will adhere to my point of view because I run this dojo."

Driving home, I asked our neighbor if he is glad he joined. Here's Andrew reply:

"Of course he is, Mom. Punching and kicking at Karate Class is a lot better than being at home with your family. You get to be violent."

1 comment:

Steve said...

I definitely need to see this....